As you’ve seen from my recent posts (A Fierce Flourishing business card template and Fierce Leader Certificates), I’ve been working on some graphics and promotional materials for the 2015-2016 upcoming MOPS year for the new theme, A Fierce Flourishing. My next task is posters to hang up to publicize our group, and with that, I needed cute graphics to go with the theme. I love the triangles that MOPS International has put on some of the theme products, so I created my own, using their same colors.
These graphics are free for your to download and use. Even if you’re not going to use them for MOPS materials, they’re still cute! Enjoy!
Single line triangle graphic (this design has two formats, .jpg and .png. The .jpg has a white background, and the .png has a transparent background):

Large block triangle graphic:

Three Rows:

UPDATE: Please note, if you are a MOPS leader of a current group, MOPS Int. has posted the actual triangle pattern, along with other awesome supplementary design elements under the theme graphics page. Of note, you need to be registered with MOPS Int. as a leader of an active MOPS group to access this page.
As always, feel free to use these elements in your designs. I just ask that you don’t take it and repost somewhere as your own design.
Happy creating!
Beautiful!! Great job and thanks for sharing!!
Thank you!!!
You’re welcome!
These are perfect, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to seeing your poster!
Thanks! Happy to share! My posters are finally in and I’m ready to share, just have to find the time to post it. Look for them soon!