With Halloween being a few days away, costumes and dress up are on everyone’s minds. Here’s what we’re doing this year.
My three-year-old is obsessed with Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. When we started asking him what he wanted to be for Halloween this year, he would say, “a wild thing!” And he would point to the striped topped wild thing.

I would then ask, “Are you sure? Don’t you want to be Max?” In which I’d get a quick, “Nope.”
Okay, so that meant the baby, my baby girl, mind you, would be Max. With our costumes figured out, I started thinking about if I could make them or if I should just buy. I was really hoping I would just happen to stumble across one at a consignment sale in the sizes I needed. When that didn’t happen, I found this costume* and decided to give it a try. And holy smokes, this costume is so freakin’ cute.
We found this little wild thing costume made for some great photo opportunities.
Aren’t shadows fun?
And of course, my little Max:

The Max costume seemed just way too easy to make, so I couldn’t let myself just buy that costume. I found a plain white fuzzy outfit at a consignment sale in the right size and just added a tail and crown. Done! See the full how I did it story here.
Aren’t my wild things just the cutest?
What are you and yours dressing up as this year?
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